about betahaus
Alice Nell
April 10, 2015

WANTED: Online Marketing Manager - Internship

We’re looking for an intern in Online Marketing Management! Want to gain experience in writing articles, conducting interviews, and managing social media, all while improving your project management skills? Then maybe this is something for you!

We are looking for a responsible, organised, and creative person, who is fluent in English and can commit to a minimum of three months & three days a week.

What you would be doing?

  • Creating ideas & writing articles for our betahaus blog
  • Setting up interviews & writing them
  • Creating & publishing content for our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Managing & organizing Wordpress & blog content
  • Coordinating and managing media requests for interviews, tours, etc.

We require…

  • Excellent verbal and written English skills (native speaker preferred)
  • Experience in writing & editing
  • Knowledge of social media platforms
  • Great problem solving skills
  • Amazing organizational skills
  • An open, hands-on personality


As an intern at betahaus you can take part in various betahaus | Academy courses and workshops. We have DIY & crafts workshops, business & marketing, and Web & Design courses. You can find our complete program here: www.betahaus.com/berlin/program

Starting date:

As soon as possible.

How to apply:

Think you’re the right fit for betahaus? Then send your CV and a short letter of intent to alice@betahaus.de.


Please note that this is an unpaid position. However, there are possible scholarship opportunities available for EU citizens.


We look forward to hearing from you!

The betahaus team

PS: don't forget to check out other open positions in betahaus!