about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 7, 2010

The "office" is out! Long live the "space"!

Next week is coworking week across Germany! From the 13th-19th of September Coworking Spaces from Stuttgart to Hamburg and from Berlin to Leipzig will open their doors for visitors, speakers, lateral thinker, change-over coworker and corporate slaves. We thought an English blog post would be appropriate. So here it is. The aim is to make people understand what coworking is about. We know that this concept is merely impossible to understand for amateurs, so during the whole week the betahaus crew will answer your questions and show you around. The best thing you can do though is to join our events and understand by getting involved.

Here's a summary in reverse order

OpenDesignCity Market no.2, Saturday, 18th Sept. 2010, 14h-18h

Come to Open Design City, make your own market and produce your own products. If you want you can just browse and buy, but if you wish our stall holders will provide you with the knowledge and opportunity to produce your own custom products made by you for that truly personal flavour. This happened on our first market. The second one will be even better! Don't miss. There is a rumor going around that there will be a big party in the betahaus cafe the same evening...

Uncasual Friday, betahaus office, 9h-18h

The big corporations have the 'casual Friday'. We are proudly introducing the 'uncasual Friday' in order to experiment the little boxes feeling such as in:

And there's web-developers and designers/ And start-up businesses/ And they're all made out of ticky tacky/ And they all look just the same

"Talk to me about: Why every creative city needs a FabLab", Thursday, 16th September, 19h-21h

21t century’s metropoles are full of creative workers that produce not only with their heads but also with their hands. Innovation needs a place where it can be tested and an inspiring environment where it can flourish. Shouldn't every city provide their citizens with fully interconnected and equipped spaces where they can network and get their stuff done? We have invited decision makers and actors from Lisbon, Amsterdam and Berlin to debate on why every creative city needs FabLabs- because the 'if' is not a question anymore. Join us and have a voice!

Our shared factory, to be confirmed: Friday, 17th September  18h-20h

Julie Morel and Camille Louis are presenting us a new discussion device who enables people from interdisciplinary backgrounds to discuss in different constellations about the same topic.  The results of the conversation in the small rounds are being summarized and visualized in real time on a screen where everybody can follow the development at the other tables. We will test this interactive discussion tool proposed by the kom.post collective with a group of international artists and coworker about a theme  proposed by the philosopher Camille Louis. 

Stay tuned!