about betahaus
Alice Nell
November 17, 2015

The betahaus | Academy Launch!

What used to be our 'education department' is getting an improvement and a new name along with it. On November 26th, we're happy to be launching betahaus | Academy! Come celebrate with us at our special betabeer edition. It'll take place in the café, you can bring all your friends, the first 100 beers are on us!

DJ Sebastian Carlsson will make sure there's some good tunes to drink and dance to!

betahaus | Academy high quality speciality courses in the fields of business & marketing, web & design, and crafts & DIY. Taught by passionate experts, with hands-on content and lots of practice. Done in small groups so you get all the attention you need.



Some of the courses are built for you to learn something new, others are meant to deepen your knowledge and make you an expert.Whether it is to get you ready to start your own business or take on a job you love. To bring out your creativity, inspire a new hobby or learn a craft. Where betahaus advocates new ways of doing business, Academy advocates new ways of learning. A way of learning that is interactive, hands-on, and straight to the point.

Stay up-to-date with more information about events and announcements.