about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 10, 2013

RBB Live Talkshow

In a few days it's election day in Germany. Yes it's that time again.

The high time for parties to outline the weaknesses of their competitors in order to highlight own strengths. (No, not the other way around) The voting public's task here is to outweigh the guilt of each party considering the accusations of their opponents and deciding which is the most innocent. I admit that this all sounds really extreme and the tone of the written seems ironic - which was my goal - but this is also a time where we need to question what is pointed out in the public and - more importantly - what isn't. Getting a clear view is a really hard thing to do, yet it is a milestone to decision making.

The rising rent, poverty among the elderly, the energy turnaround and employment are just a few of the topics in focus in Berlin and Brandenburg. The TV channel RBB therefore invites you to join the discussion with politicians to listen to statements to the different topics of interest. Join us in our café next Tuesday the 17th at 7.45pm to get a clearer view about the pros and cons of each opinion!

Drop a message to sign up here: koordination@rbb-online.de

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