about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
October 11, 2012

Proud Winners, Thank Yous and Shout Outs!

Two weeks ago the latest edition of BETAPITCH went down, and it was a blast!

The house was packed, the audience great, the jury experienced and the pitches awesome. Just like last time, the Jury was a tiny bit indecisive (the pitches were good and it was hard to decide) and chose two proud winners:

The first prize went to Solarbrush, which produces a robot that cleans large fields of solarpanels (and it can climb from panel to panel!). By the way: you can support Solarbrush here!

The other first prize went to GoEuro, who are building the single, complete source of all Pan-European travel where you can find the travel options you want based on your own desires and be sent to the right booking pages to buy your tickets.

We are really really happy to welcome them here in our halls!

It was an amazing event, but of course we couldnt have done it alone. betapitch is a communal event, based on the support of the betahaus community and the help of a lot of friends. Thats why we would like to say THANK YOU! to the following peeps: Thomas Madsen Mygdal, Jörg Rheinbolt, Peter Bihr, Fadi Bishara, Philipp von Bieberstein for the feedback, critique, insights and support they gave to the startups, and for taking over the difficult task of deciding on a winner!

We would also like to thank

  • CiteeCar
  • AirBnB
  • KetchumPleon
  • Index Ventures
  • Seedcamp
  • Pioneers Festival
  • Xing
  • mka Anwälte
  • mindmatters
  • Skippr
  • WirGründer e.V.
  • Technologie Stiftung Berlin
  • pidoco
  • Coffee Circle
  • Foodloose

for their support in putting the package together. And last but not least: The Twitradar people, that made a custom Twitterwall for us!  THANKS A LOT! We are looking forward to the next episode!

Click here for more announcements and events at the 'haus!