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Elizaveta Bersegova
August 25, 2015

People in Beta: Sebastian Pitzler from ERGO

With the days ticking down to the People in Beta festival, it is time to introduce you to another one of our amazing speakers. Sebastian Pitzler is the man behind the ERGO Digital Lab, which joined the betahaus community in 2015.

As the saying goes, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! More and more corporates are connecting with startups and young talents to drive digital innovation and nurture fruitful working relationships. As well as setting up the ERGO Digital Lab at betahaus, ERGO has also partnered with Axel Springer Plug & Play Accelerator to open up opportunities for collaboration between big business and brilliant independent minds.

At the festival, Sebastian will be talking about how ERGO and Axel Springer are teaming up to mentor young talent and help startups grow, building bridges into the ERGO organisation. You can also hear about the projects he is working on in the Digital Lab which are focused on Digital Life, Connected Living, Internet of Things and Digital Health. These initiatives are transforming ERGO into a truly revolutionary insurance company.

We are so grateful for the support of ERGO in helping us make our festival dreams a reality and super excited to welcome Sebastian to the betahaus stage!

Click here for more events and announcements coming up!

Sebastian Pitzler
‍Sebastian Pitzler in the ERGO Digital Lab at betahaus