about betahaus
Alice Nell
October 1, 2015

Our Valley In Berlin DemoDay

What an amazing end to last week with our Valley In Berlin DemoDay! Our betahaus accelerator team was working around the clock with startup hubs Accelerate Korea, Founder Institute, and YOU IS NOW to produce this event - and boy did they pull it off!

Over 1,000 people joined us for inspiring talks, bold pitches, & some delicious food trucks at YOU IS NOW's amazingly sunny space.

We kicked off the day with talks from Jon Soberg, Accelerate Korea’s Steve Joo-hyung Lee, and the Founder Institute’s very own Ben Larson from the Bay area. They shared their extensive knowledge of business, which gave the event a global touch & helped bridge the startup ecosystems of Asia, Europe, and the US. Highlights included a talk from Gamification’s Gabe Zichermann and a speech by the Queen of Startup’s Jess Erickson, who gave insights into diversity in tech & her work at 500 Startups and Geekeetes. In addition, Nicole DeMoe dazzled the audience with a look into some of the tech scene's famous minds, and Book A Tiger co-founder Claude Ritter gave advice on what not to do when trying to be successful in this cut-throat world. Overall theme: Don’t trust them? Then don’t hire them.

Moderated by The Pitch Doctor himself, the afternoon session saw 12 of Korea and Germany’s most promising startups pitching for the attention of our audience filled with investors and experts.

Just like at BETAPITCH, our Korean startup BeeCanvas took a daring approach by informing the audience of their pivot from a B2C to a B2B service. The audience responded with surprise but said that they respected BeeCanvas' honest approach to being a startup on the brink of making it. RxCycle dazzled the audience with their live indoor cycling demo on a tour through the Alps. BBuzzArt spoke of their plan to expand with the birth of Haus of Bbuzz in Spring 2016. Despite being under the weather, David delivered a solid pitch for Equipment Master and within minutes, several tweets surfaced mentioning Equipment Master as the AirBnB of construction equipment rentals!

Finally, Summer wowed our guests as she ‘Smurfified’ the moderator with the hilarious selfie-editing app lollicam. While also managing the iOS launch, Summer gave a fantastic & hilarious pitch and bagged her team the Autobahn Unicorn Award for the startup with the fastest traction & growth!

2 other awards were given out: Munich-based casavi took the Disruptor Award and Berlin-based wefactory took the Pitch Hero Award.

The day ended with a bangin’ after party in Kreuzberg, where even the stuffed unicorn joined us as we danced into the early hours.

The day marked the beginning of the end for our Accelerate Korea program as we start the final month hosting our Korean startups. Overall, the event was an amazing injection of energy & investor funds. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!

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