about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
October 23, 2013

Lunch network for meeting your coworkers!

Are you tired of not knowing the coworkers you see every day at betahaus but have never really talked to? Do you just want to meet different people when going for a lunch? We've just developed a simple solution for you, networkers as well as secretly outgoing introverts!

Betahaus Lunch is a very simple app created for Android and iOS where you can meet up with people from betahaus for a spontaneous lunch or dinner. Just put in the time and the place and enjoy a nice spontaneous meeting with a coworker over a lunch!

The app is available for Androids, and in your browser. We're waiting for the iOS app approval, stay tuned for two more weeks.

Interested? Then open the website or download the app and eat/meet away!

Tip: If you choose our betahaus | café as your lunch destination, you will get a free espresso with it!

Click here, set up a spontaneous lunch and wait for your lunch mate!

Guten appetite!

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in the beta calendar!


PS: We'd like to hear your feedback on the app! Drop an email to katka@betahaus.de!