about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
January 31, 2013

Just One Month Until BETAPITCH Comes to Vienna!

…and we’re ready to roll in sektor5! Since a few years (man we are getting old...) we are organizing the betapitch| Berlin. Since last year it went global! There already was one in Hamburg, one in Cologne and now Vienna, Sofia and Barcelona are on the program.

The Viennese satellite event will happen on March 2nd, 2013 at the awesome space sektor5. betapitch| Vienna invites startups from Austria and CEE to apply by submitting a one-pager outlining their idea. More info on the application process, that will close on February 18th, 2013 can be found here. After all applications have been screened, 8-10 startups will be invited to pitch in Vienna upfront an jury. As a special incentive there will also be a CASH PRIZE awarded to the two winning teams. Some jury members have already been announced, among them Klaus Matzka, Seriel Entrepreneur & VC, Adam Somlai-Fischer, Founder at prezi, Sabrina Oswald, Managing Partner at ACCEDO and Frederik Debong, Founder at mysugr.

Besides the pitching there will also be a content track offered at betapitch| Vienna for the benefit of all local and visiting startups in attendance. Two oft he already confirmed speakers are Adam Somlai-Fischer, Founder of prezi.com, who will talk about UX/UI and Franz Enzenhofer of full stack optimization with a session on No B*llshit SEO for Startups.

PS: you ll also get the chance to meet the 2 winning teams at the upcoming betapitch | global in Berlin happening in June 2013. Stay tuned!