about betahaus
Jack Henderson
August 22, 2016

Job Market: Conrad is hiring!

If you missed the Job Market at our People In Beta Summer Party, don't worry. Our friends at Conrad Electronic are still hiring! If you don't know them, Conrad Electronic is a German online retailer of electronic products. They are also our main partner in crime for our hardware lab downstairs. Here are some of the roles they're offering along with a short description of what they require from you!

Cloud and API Specialist (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Primary focus will be the connection of new products and services to the Conrad Connect platform
  • Writing well-tested code, modeling, development and optimization of various database systems

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Sound knowledge in RESTful API integrations, javascript plugins, OAuth authorisation framework, security (SSH, TLS, HTTPS…), protocols (TCP/IP stack)
  • Solid foundation in modern application development on the JVM, preferably Scala and not afraid to wander into other territories like node.js, ruby or front-end development is a big plus

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here.

Growth Hacker / Online Marketing Specialist (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Drive, manage, and test user conversion, activation, engagement; and increase traffic from various channels using data-driven growth tactics and strategies
  • Communicate precisely to a technical audience

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurial ability person with a passion for technology and community engagement.
  • Sound knowledge in growth hacking which includes technical writing, SEO/SEM, optimizing web traffic and conversion, email marketing, social media marketing, blogging, go-to-market strategy, growth strategy and execution

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:

UI/UX Designer (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Planning and designing the Conrad Connect user interface
  • Developing user-centric UX concepts based on user research and web analysis

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Successfully completed degree or training in the fields of HCI, interface design, media design, communication design or a similar qualification
  • At least three years’ professional experience of planning and designing web-based apps or responsive websites (mobile user experience, mobile interaction design)

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:


Service Engineer (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Planning, development, testing and implementation of technical solutions and architectures that meet the customer needs
  • Working together with customers to identify and determine their needs and requirements for information technology business needs and problems

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • At least three years’ professional experience in the field of enterprise integrations
  • Knowledge in relevant programming languages and experience with Solaris and Linux systems

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:

Project Manager (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Working with cross-functional development teams through market requirements, product contracts and product positioning on the market
  • Development and implementation of a go-to-market plan and analysing of potential partner relationships for the product

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Degree in computer science / engineering or similar
  • At least three years’ professional experience in project management in a similar field
  • Solid experience in SaaS or PaaS

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:

Frontend Developer (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Design and development of web-based front-end applications and websites based on state-of-the-art technology
  • Technical design, specification, maintenance and testing of the websites

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Good programming skills in HTML/HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Previous experience or willingness to learn AngularJS, EmberJS, React, Cycle.js, Elm or other client-side web frameworks

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:

Business Development Manager (m/f)

Your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Continued development of the business model
  • Developing/expanding the service portfolio

You are qualified in the following areas:

  • Degree in (industrial) engineering, (business) information systems, electrical engineering or similar.
  • At least three years’ professional experience in the field of business development, business consulting or solution management
  • Sound knowledge of IoT, M2M, Cloud, PaaS business models

For a greater description on the role and information on how to apply, click here:


If one of these offers sounds like a perfect fit for you, apply by clicking the link after the description! On behalf of the betahaus team - Good luck! 

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