about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 12, 2012

If Coworking Didn't Exist...

Where were you working before you got a desk at betahaus? Optionally, you were wearing a suite preparatory to making a decision to change your life completely and uncompromisingly. Or you have always been a freelancer and experienced all the hell and heaven of working wherever your lap top lands.

Deskwanted, an awesome global network of coworking spaces and shared offices, launched a photo contest ´Need a Better Place to Work?´ to promote the ideas and spirit of coworking all over the world. If you are well acquainted with experience of endless search for ´something like a desk´ and ´something like a chair´ let others know how it looked or does look in your most ridiculous life situations.  Wherever you are from, Berlin or the other side of the Ocean, you are very welcome to participate posting the photo of yourself or a friend in spontaneous working environment to @Deskwanted on twitter with the hashtag #NeedABetterPlace. Lucky winner will receive a complimentary placement to the value of 100€/USD in any activity listed on Gidsy, in any city they choose.

More details about the competition are here.

And, please, accept the challenge of getting from your bed to your desk, don´t end up working in your bed... ;)

Click here for more announcements and events at the 'haus!