about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
January 9, 2014

Happy new year! Happy new memberships!

Hello People in Beta, we hope you had a great start in the new year!

We used the holidays to update our pricing and simplify our membership rates. Here comes an overview of the new membership rates:

You can choose between 3 basic memberships - 5days, 12days or fulltime coworking per month at betahaus. You can choose any flexdesk you find.

On top of your membership you can book the following extras - as many as you wish - each extra is 25€/month.

A fixdesk - your own dedicated desk, 24/7 reserved for you, you get for an extra 100€/month.

So far this is pretty much the same as before. Now comes the new stuff... Team desk and Team Room you get for FREE if you book a certain amount of memberships!

So come over and check out betahaus! Our reception team will answer all your questions. You reach them Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm!

*We have a limited amount of dedicated space - if you like to apply for it just drop us an email lisa(at)betahaus.de

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