about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 6, 2010

Creative Spaces – New Forms of Communes?

‍Our Friends from "until we see new land" composed an event that fits very well inside the frame of coworkingweek 2010 but originally was planned to be independent.

They describe what they want to do like following:

In the past few years of digitalization the image of the "digital native" has been predicted and propagated, the young and lonely tech addict, who just knows sunlight out of old stories. But thankfully reality is different, especially here in Berlin: more and more spaces for real-time networking, exchange and meaningful value creation emerge and show that our generation will not become the hostage of the overwhelming technological progress.

To the event “creative spaces – new forms of communes?” we like to invite everybody who dreams or creates physical spaces for exchange, inspiration, living and/or working together, that is different to traditional offices and hotels.

In a cosy round of ~20 selected people, every participant presents his/her vision or already existing space with the help of 3 small physical objects in 3 minutes.

Afterwards there will be time for networking, exchange of experiences and challenges and hopefully ideas to solve them.

This event will also serve as kick-off for a bigger activity to this topic in November.

Interested? We are looking forward to your mail at sw@untilweseenewland.com! Please tell us in a few words why you should be part of the event and please remember – “everyone is a presenter”.

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in our beta calendar!