We start a shared library! Come with books to share and you will receive some in exchange!
We are a lot to live in a nomadic way, with temporary houses where it’s difficult to let important things that you would anyway need everywhere you may go, like: your favorite or referential books!
A solution would be to set, in different coworking places, a series of “shared libraries” where these nomadic people we are can let their books and share them with the inhabitants of this place without being afraid of seeing them disappear and, at the contrary, with the pleasure to know that we may find other books interesting for us in exchange, here or in another library built in another city somewhere. We have ideas to start it, have found an interesting zone in front of the elevator of Betahaus, where you normally have nothing else to do then…wait! and have imagined a system of deposit and reliable loan that we would like to share with you this Sunday from 5p.m
During the “shared library workshop” we would explain you how to use it and start the construction of it all together!
So bring your books and your desire of sharing references and this project would start
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