about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 14, 2010

Coworking Week 2010: what is happening in betahaus| berlin from the 13th to 18th of September?

As part of the international coworking-community the Betahaus Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne prepared for the week of 13th to 18th of September various panels, workshops and other events about the “The Future of Work”.Coworking spaces are a new organisational form for creative workers that no longer enjoy the option of being alone in their home office but rather prefer to choose a collaborative and more professional way to develop their own projects. They find access to professional networks, technical support and appropriate working infrastructure. Over the last two years this new way of working has strongly evolved. The betahaus berlin is one of the largest coworking spaces in Germany.

The aim of the coworking week is to make people understand what coworking is about. We know that this concept is merely impossible to understand for amateurs, so coworking spaces  from Stuttgart to Hamburg and from Berlin to Leipzig will open their doors for visitors, speakers, lateral thinker, change-over coworker and corporate slaves. Here is an overview of the events in betahaus berlin- Cafe and the Open Desingn City:

ODC: Shared Library Workshop: Monday, 13.09.2010, 19h- 23h: Camille, our philosopher in residence in the Open Design City would like to install “Shared Library” in betahaus. We need the space, a shelf and books you bring along.

ODC: Design Thinking Workshop, Tuesday, 14.09.2010, 18h-20h:‘Inventedhere’ is giving a Design Thinking Workshop where you can find out within multidisciplinary teams: “How you can make low-costoffice- furniture for your coworking space?” Go through the design thinking process in a flexible and inspiring environment and develop your own low-cost coworking furniture.

CAFE: Founder Institute Launch Event, Wednsday 15.09.2010, 18h-21h:Adeo Ressi, serial entrepreneur and founder of the Institute Founder, the world’s largest training program for entrepreneurs, describes his experiences and offers insights into the institutions and the issue of start-up success. The event is open to all entrepreneurs, companies and institutions interested in the Founder Institute.

ODC: “creative spaces – new forms of communes?”, Wednsday 15.09.2010, 19h-22h30: we like to invite everybody who dreams or creates physical spaces for exchange, inspiration, living and/or working together, that is different to traditional offices and hotels.In a cosy round of ~20 selected people, every participant presents his/her vision or already existing space with the help of 3 small physical objects in 3 minutes.Afterwards there will be time for networking, exchange of experiences and challenges and hopefully ideas to solve them.This event will also serve as kick-off for a bigger activity to this topic in November.

CAFE: Open betabreakfast: Thursday, 16.09.2010, 9h30 – 12h:During the coworkingweek our weekly betabreakfast will be big size! We invite all  coworking spaces in Berlin to start their day with interesting talks in our café. If the weather is good we will do a bicycle tour to all Coworking Spaces in Berlin.

CAFE: talk to me about: “why every creative city needs a fablab” – Thursday, 16.9.2010, 19 – 21 Uhr: betahaus as an incubator for creative industries and technical innovation would like to dig deeper into this topic and invites decision makers and actors from Lisbon, and Berlin to debate on why every creative city needs FabLabs-not only Utrecht and Amsterdam- because the ‘if’ is not a question anymore. Come and raise your voice!

CAFE&ODC: Uncasual Friday: Friday, 17.9.2010, 9 – 18 Uhr:A headline is worth a thousand words. Yes, we will also sometimes feel like all these people who every day are “properly” to work. On Friday, we invite you to show off in your best suit and look like areal business man. Oh, and don’t forget the Nokia headset from the 90ies and your sunglasses.


CAFE&ODC: Open Design City Market: Saturday, 18.9.2010, 14 – 18 Uhr:Come to Open Design City/ betahaus and buy or make your own handmade goods. Our stall holders will be offering great handmade goods, made with love in Berlin and in Open Design City. Workshops will take place throughout the day, giving you the opportunity to create your own products, learn new skills and above all enjoy yourselves. This is:  “Hands on Coworking”.


CAFE: Closing Party: Saturday, 18.9.2010, 23.00 – open end:We will have a farewell party together with the BerlinJournalistSchool- They were planning a rather small and cozy party- but the coworking week changed their plans: so, but bring your friends along an make it crowded and noisy!

Check out our calendar for upcoming events.