about betahaus
Guest Writer
August 24, 2014

Countdown to 5 Years of betahaus: Here's Tini!

So… hi, people of the internet!

My name is Tini and I had the pleasure to spend my last two and a half months organizing some of the 5 Years of betahaus DIY and makers workshops, as well as the outdoor street party area of our birthday party!

For me, this time has been packed with ups, downs, hysterical moments and a whole lot of funny or inspiring meetings with our collaborators / friends / workshop-holders -- you name it.

In the makers and DIY universe, we originally planned on 6 DIY workshops and a couple of little talks. Well, you know how it goes... this plan didn’t last long. We quickly realized that there are so incredibly many things we could dream up to do for you guys. So that meant we had to organize more awesome workshops. And there we were, having far too many ideas.

Anyways, quite some time later and with only one more week to go, we are a little stressed out but we have managed to pull together some pretty amazing stuff. We have over 10 workshops, a lot of which are betahaus favorites from the last five years, like the Concrete Design, Screen Printing or Stop Motion Animation. There will be workshops that we have never hosted before, too -- like learning how to build your own drone or create a crowdbook out of waste paper.

In the end, all I can say is that I am super duper exited to see what our enitre team has been working on for so long! I hope you're all excited too!

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See you there! All the best,

Tini :) 

For other events and announcements from the 'haus check out our calendar here!