about betahaus
Guest Writer
August 27, 2014

Countdown to 5 Years of betahaus: betapitch | global

Hey, Festival-goers!

Teshia here, with my can't-be-missed pick for this Saturday.

We have been working round the clock to bring you a full-to-the-brim 5 years of betahaus festival overflowing with talks, workshops and music! Naturally, you might be looking at packed line-up with wide eyes -- your excitement building as you consider your path through a day that is truly and unequivocally beta. But I can't help but fill you in on one of the major must-see events: betapitch | global!

For those of you not privvy to the beta brand of startup competitions, betapitch local events happen all over Europe in Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Sofia and Vienna, to name a few. The pitch competition bring together start-ups to pitch their ideas in front of a panel of judges and the chance to win prizes that will aid in the launching of their companies. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Well... for an event as big as 5 years of betahaus we couldn't stop there, could we? betapitch | global will be the king of all betapitch events as you watch the rockstar winning pitchers from all the continent-wide events battle it out for ultimate bragging rights (and great prizes).

Who will be there you ask? Here's a sneak peak at who will be pitching this Saturday:

  • Viblast - A new platform for viewing videos. It works by establishing a secure layer of communication between viewers of a video stream. As users consume content, they also share tiny bits of the very same content with other authorized users in a peer-to-peer fashion - significantly reducing the demand for centralized resources.
  • Drystorm - A developer service to create great looking, fully featured, well tested web apps in a matter of minutes, saving money, time and effort.
  • LUUV - A camera Stabilizer that enables you to document your adventures shake-free.
  • Arthesis - Fresh designs for making stylish, custom 3D printed covers for people with leg prosthesis.
  • EasySize - A service for defining clothing sizes and decreasing the number of returns for online shoppers.
  • Rescued Ideas - Bringing the old music experience back to the present. The product Basslet is a wristband that lets you feel the bass and beats of music. It works alongside headphones, adding a visceral sensation.

The winner will be judged by our expert panel made up of none other than Marita Roebkes, Jörg Reinboldt, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, Jeff Lynn and Gaurav Signh.

The prizes include a fully-sponsored trip trough the Silicon Valley provided by Axel Springer Plug n’Play. There is a real cash prize of 5.000€ from hub:raum. The winner also gets six months of coworking space at betahaus | Berlin and an introduction to the media, investors and mentors in the betahaus network. Also in the game, 1.000€ of Elance credit.

Can't wait to see you there!


This event is part of the 5 years of betahaus Festival. Buy a ticket on Eventbrite for the betahaus festival and check out the festival program here.