about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 21, 2012

Christmas Trees in beta

We have created our interpretation of a christmas tree. With it, we tried to bring the charms of a warm little forest to betahaus. We wanted to create little corners were people could hide and find his own space, and open areas where people could gather together under its magic.

Now, in the spirit of this times, we wanted to give this trees away and collect some money that will be donated to the artist that created them and to Open Design City to be able to buy some new tools and continue to do such interventions.

This trees are in beta, this means that they are all different and changing, and that you can even grow them in different ways at your home. The tree can't stand alone, they need a whole forest around them in order to be. But this remind us of the culture we live at betahaus too. We all have realize that it is much better to be all together in one big space, that work alone from home. This trees will remind us of that. Now we hope the tree can lean on a corner at your home, making a little shelter there, and when you seat underneath, connecting you to all the other trees, to all the other people you are related to, reminding us of the big forest we make together.

If you would like to have a little tree charm at home, give a call to 017656721670 (Tom) and come over to pick up the one you like the best.

Wishing you all an excellent time,

Pedro Pineda

A single tree cost 30e. If you like more trees, or them installed at home please don't hesitate to ask pedro.p (at) wecreativepeople (dot) com

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