On May 25th, 2020 George Floyd was killed when an officer for the Minneapolis Police Department kneeled on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds.
If you’ve been following, this is not a new story. His name is added to a long list of black Americans who have died by police violence. Protestors say his name to remember the man who might have otherwise become a name on the list. Another invisible victim.
What has happened since then has been nothing short of a global movement. As the world joins in the protests, it sheds light on the fact racial inequality is not just an American issue. Yes, the specifics might vary from one place to the next, but structural racism, poverty, and exclusion are a universal problem.
So where do we go from here? It's not enough to be angry. So let's take meaningful action instead.
A quick note: We still have a lot to learn! We want to use our platform to share resources and amplify BIPOC voices. If you have any input, comments, or suggestions for our blog content, send us a message on Instagram.
Before we get into it, we want to point out a few of the really great resources that already exist. We used a few of these for reference, so check out the complete list if you'd like to do more work on your own.
Peaceful protests are one of the cornerstones of democracy. By exercising this right, you help amplify minority opinions and create disruption that could lead to lasting change.
There are protests happening around the world, organized by Black Lives Matter amongst other activist groups.
One of the quickest and most impactful ways to support the movement is to donate money. There are bail funds, media organizations, community initiatives, and legal advocacy groups that are set up in cities across the US. Even a small donation enables them to continue their work supporting both the protesters and at-risk communities.
Here are a few of the organizations or funds you might consider donating to.
Your email or signature can have major impact when it’s alongside millions of others. But there are so many ready-to-send emails and petitions circulating around. Some demand justice for victims while others call for budget cuts in a particular city. Take some time to read about what’s being demanded and only sign things that you really believe in.
Here are a few of the emails and petitions that have gotten the most traction.
We really can’t do this category any better than what’s already been created. But here area few of our favorites, plus lists curated by prominent voices so you know what to watch, listen to, and read to become a better ally.
In order for these changes to be lasting, we have the responsibility to consciously listen to BIPOC voices. Change will not come overnight. This means both following activists who will continue to educate but also making an effort to integrate BIPOC businesses and creators into the information you take in on a recurring basis.
Here are a few places you can turn to.
Ultimately, lasting change is driven at the ballot box. While many of the current changes are being called for in the United States, we must stay aware of how systemic racism is playing out in the countries where we cast our ballots. Vote for diverse leaders and leaders who promote equality.
If you have any input, comments, or want to point out something we missed, send us a message on Instagram.