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Guest Writer
August 10, 2016

BETAPITCH Global & Investors Day bigger than ever in 2016

On October 15, BETAPITCH is combining two key events that bring the international startup scene together for one action-packed Saturday: BETAPITCH Global & Investors Day! Investors Day connects fundseeking startups with leading international investors and key players in the field. Participating startups are invited for one-on-one personal talks, workshops, keynotes, panel discussions, and PR pitch training sessions. After a busy day of networking, the finale of wordwide startup competition BETAPITCH Global kicks off. Finalists from 14 global tech capitals will go head to head, pitching for the chance to win a 5000€, a trip to Silicon valley, coworking memberships at betahaus, and many more prizes.

Evolution and growth of a Berlin-grown startup competition

From 2015 to 2016, BETAPITCH has doubled in size, growing from 7 to 14 pitch events across tech capitals worldwide. The competition witnessed inspiring developments in Swedish startups, discovered a budding entrepreneurial community in Tirana, Albania, connected with the startup scene shaking up Cairo, and found brand new partners across five cities in China. What about the alumni startups? Last year’s winning startup MedAngel is already in use in medical clinics  around the world. Thingthing, the productivity app and winner from Barcelona’s local BETAPITCH is rocking it at startup competitions including 4YFN.

Startups lined up

So who are the BETAPITCH local winners lined up to pitch at the Global finale this October? Population.io won the local competition in Vienna with their fascinating demographic data project. Neurofox, a software/hardware kit for DIY brain training and neurohacking, won the Berlin pitch back in April. Nordic Adventours won the event in Jönköping, Sweden with their online platform to connect tour operators with adventurers in the Nordic wilderness. First prize in Hamburg went to sharing economy startup Hoard, and in Sofia, the coworking management platform OfficeRnD won. The winner in Tirana, Albania, was IT For Equality, who update older wheelchairs with smart, connective capabilities. Still to come are the winners from Lisbon, Cairo, Nanjing, Beijing, Shenzen, Shanghai, Jiashan, and Seoul.

Sign me up for Investors Day!

Are you a startup seeking funding? Then apply to join our Investors Day via this form.

Are you an investor looking connect with up-and-coming startups? Then get your ticket to our Investors Day here.

Are you keen to witness the happenings of Investors Day and BETAPITCH Global firsthand? Then get your ticket here.

Want to stay updated?

Follow BETAPITCH on Facebook & Twitter or keep checking back to the BETAPITCH blog. This year, BETAPITCH has partnered with Siemens, kloeckner.v, hub:raum, Welcome, Cleantech, and YouNoodle to take the finale to the next level. Leaders in the BETAPITCH network will also take on the tough role of jury and determine the winners for 2016.

Learn more about how to succeed at your startup pitch competition.

We hope to see you all there! Click here to make sure you don’t miss more upcoming events!

Article written by Joanna