about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 9, 2012

Betahaus | Sofia - First Month

I just spend 3 days in Sofia checking out the newest betahaus. And I have to say Alex&Alex and their dreamteam Elena, Rita and Irena are doing a great job!

The space looks fantastic and 17 members already signed in. Among them 2 teams and lot s of freelancers like the interactive Designer Kamend Dimitrov (picture above) and Milko Bojarov a promising product designer. Check out his futuristic stuff.

If you happen to be in Sofia you definitely have to drop by the betahaus. If you are already a betahaus Member from Berlin, Cologne or Hamburg you even get 2 days of free coworking in Sofia.

By the way this city in the summer is awesome, everything is a bit slower during the day but at night they know how to party! For this I can really recommend the memento beach bar ... And if the city get s to hot just drive a few kilometers in the mountains to get some fresh air. 

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