about betahaus

Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:00


Cafe FRAGIL ROYAL, Rudi Dutschke Straße 23, 10969 Berlin


Members: Free

Non-members: betabreakfast only - 10€, betabreakfast + Day Pass (special deal) - 25€




‍betabreakfast is our weekly breakfast tradition at betahaus | Kreuzberg connecting entrepreneurs, startups, creatives, and anyone interested in the Berlin startup scene.

Find a job. Make a friend. Pitch your startup. Try something new. Meet an investor. Get introduced to a business partner (or even someone to date). A lot can happen over breakfast.Sometimes it’s breakfast and sometimes it’s a pitch event. We’ve had tea tastings, panels, crypto meet ups, demos, and live performances from time to time, too. It’s the original breakfast event since +10 years connecting Berlin entrepreneurs, and the best way to break into the betahaus community.

We’ll bring the croissants. You make the connections.
Check our previous betabreakfast highlights on instagram!

Next up on betabreakfast

13.03.2025 - Rethinking Mobility: How Individuals and Startups Can Cut Carbon While Traveling?

This will allow you to discuss concrete actions individuals can take—such as choosing sustainable transport options, using carbon offset programs, and embracing new mobility solutions—while also highlighting how startups in Berlin and beyond are making sustainable travel more accessible. Panel Discussion with: Clemens Möller founder of Medvind Sweden, Waqas Munir, Business Development of e-Mobility at Varo Energy and Bruno Ginnuth founder of Clever Solutions

20.03.2025 - betabreakfast mit hellgrün : Climate tech is dead.

No time for pessimism: why green startups still matter in addressing climate change.

Panel Talk with:
- Roman Steigertahl, Co-Founder and COO hellgrün,
- Jesko von Viereck, Head of Corporate Development Saxovent Smart Eco Investments GmbH
- Moderated by Julian Joswig, Member of the German Bundestag Bündnis 90/Die Grüne

27.03.2025 - betabreakfast: Kickoff of Notion x betahaus Partnership with Matthias Frank

Matthias Frank is a lawyer turned Notion Consultant. He writes Europe’s largest Notion newsletter, is a speaker at official Notion events and is currently building the Nr. 1 Notion Consultancy in Europe to help teams waste less time in outdated legacy tools so that they can do their actual job. When he’s not in front of his computer, you can find him in the kitchen practicing his sourdough bread to one day start a German bakery in Mumbai.

03.04.2025 - betabreakfast with Eduardo Roldan Isaac, Elisabeth Messmer and Cuilu Fan-Klehr from Tech-ers

Tech-ers empowers teachers to save time and reduce stress by providing AI-driven tools and a supportive community to effortlessly adapt teaching materials and enhance their classrooms.

10.04.2025 - betabreakfast with Luke Linnekuhle from mika

Mika does the accounting, you come up with the big ideas their AI is your new team member.

See you at breakfast! and bring a friend! 🥐


Want to pitch your startup or do you have something else you’d like to present at betabreakfast? Drop a line to madeleine@betahaus.de
Looking to get involved in our community? You might also like betabooze.

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